Sunday, July 10, 2022

Getting to Know YOU!

 Welcome to "The Marriage Manual."  This is a publication of the Harris Ministries International daily inspirational blog, designed specifically for marriage and/or engaged couples. It's purpose is to encourage and strengthen your faith on the subject of marriage. God's will is for you to experience and enjoy His best in the arena of marriage relationships. We want you to grow and know the love of God in a more deeper and intimate way... today and everyday!

Today's Blog: Getting to Know YOU!

Knowing someone takes a life time because people change. This includes you and your spouse, yes, the person you married or will marry will change. Accept this fact buts you on the right track for harmonious matrimony.

Matrimony defined - the state of being married. 

Marriage is a continuum, not a quick episode or chapter in the entirety in the book of one's life.  Learning and getting to know your spouse in every stage and season of their life should be a delightful experience, not a frightful event. Experiencing growth and maturing moments with someone helps to cultivate trust and build honor and respect. Spouses should nurturing each other, not deplete or stagnant one another. 

The scripture, 1 Corinthians 13: 7 tells us,  Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].

This is a powerful example of sustaining and maintaining our marriage covenant through change. Our conquest is to stay consistent in love, as we grow and get to know our spouse in every season of their life.

Sister Cathy~

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